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How to promote yourself with a free listing

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How to promote yourself with a free listing

Introduce your product/service or event here. Remember 'KISS' - 'Keep It Short and Sweet'. Up to 160 characters. People will see it below stories and articles containing key words matching key words in your listing -- Very powerful FREE cross-promotion for your business!

Contact: Contact's firstname and lastname
0444 444 444

ATTRACT attention, BOOST your brand

ATTRACT attention, BOOST your brandFree listings help people find you faster when searching the Internet. Your Being Australian free listing utilizes the power of search engines like Google to help people find what you offer. Your listing can be as long and detailed as you like -- and you can add links directing people to pages on your website. Just remember the KISS rule: Keep It Short and Sweet.

Opens link in new windowClick here for more details...

SEND people directly to your website

SEND people directly to your websiteSub-items like this one can send people to pages on your website, when you include webpage addresses. For example, if you sell widgets, 'Click here for more details' can send people directly to your 'Widgets' webpage.
Make your free listing work harder -- include links in your free listing to pages on your website.

Opens link in new windowClick here for more details...

ADD Keywords to help people find you

ADD Keywords to help people find youWhen people are looking for what you offer, the words they use to find you are called 'Keywords'.
For example, if you sell milkshakes, your key words might include, 'chocolate', 'cocoa', 'beverage', 'milk', 'milkshake', 'ice cream', 'sweet', 'delicious'...
Be sure to add 'Keywords' to your listing. Keywords help you attract more traffic more often from people searching the Internet for what you provide.

Opens link in new windowClick here for more details...

SORT the order in which items appear

SORT the order in which items appearYou can change the order in which info items appear in your listing.
When you are logged in and looking at your listing, you will see tiny blue Up/Down triangles located next to the title of each item to adjust its position.

MODIFY your text

MODIFY your textAlways make sure promotional text in your listing is slightly different from promotional text on your website. Search engines such as Google are very fussy -- if they detect text in your Being Australian free listing that's identical to text on your website, then both your listing and your website will be demoted or ignored in search engine rankings, making it hard for people to discover the product or service you offer.
Make sure your listing earns the highest possible ranking (ideally, in the top 10 results) by keeping promotional text fresh and different.

HIDE sub-items until you're ready

HIDE sub-items until you're readyWant to hide part of your listing until you're happy for people to see it? No Problem! Simply choose the 'Hide' option until you're ready for the public to see that part of your listing. You'll see hidden items in grey text when you are logged in and reviewing your listing in Edit mode.
The 'Show/Hide' option is great for seeing how things look before making them public.

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