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Leaving home

an experience of travel

Well I've finally done it! (Again) I've packed up my Hilux 4-runner and hit the road with a couple of friends...both of whom haven't travelled this brown land much at all.
After the tears and hugs and countless repetitions of goodbyes, we jumped in the car and headed for the Brand HWY in Western Australia. The beginning of a 3 week trip to Broome in northern W.A.
A good friend also thought it would be funny to sticky tape an Aussie flag to the roof of the car to see how long it would last... Very fitting for the website wouldn't you say?
It has lasted... but more about the flag another day...
Our first stop, only just up the Geraldton.

Thanks to
Ruth Annesley
from Where ever the road takes me..
on 20/05/2006 send a message to Ruth Annesley

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