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Success Enterprises Consulting Pty Ltd

PO Box 456, Burwood VIC 3125
ph: 03 9436 3030

Success Enterprises Consulting Pty Ltd

New to Australia and want to start a new business or grow your business in Melbourne? Not sure what to do to get the results that you need? We provide strategy advice and business plan guidance to people who run their own business. We are originally from UK and have learnt how to do business in Australia. Let us help you. Strategic management consulting to achieve the Art of the Possible.

Contact: Steve Wood

Start-up Business Plan

Plan for start-up success

Start-up Business PlanNew to Australia and want to start a business?
You'll need a plan that gets you the answers you need so that you start properly and do not waste your investment.

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Business Growth Plan

Grow you business profitably

Business Growth PlanLearn how you can grow your business, so that it is a cash generating machine.
Work on the business not in the business.

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Kick Start your existing business

Business reached a plateau?

Kick Start your existing businessIf you are already in Business, but not getting the results you want this one is for you.

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Business Valuation

How much is not enough?

Business ValuationLearn how to work out how much your business could be worth now.
And then what you could do to make it more.

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Integrity & Values Profile

Business Leaders I&V profile

Integrity & Values ProfileLearn how your values drive your behaviours.
Understand how you let yourself down and sabotage your own success.

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Business Valuation

How much is really not enough?

Business ValuationHow do you value the hard work of many years?
How much is not enough for when you need to prepare for sale?

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