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Gillian Jennings

Nickname: Gillian (3 stories)
Gillian Jennings from near Bencubbin, WA, currently in Kirribilli, NSW

I grew up in rural Western Australia on a property called Jannanie located near the town of Bencubbin. It was wonderful growing up out there even though it was deathly hot during the summer. But the life we had in sheep and wheat country was like nothing else.
Everyone knew each other. We didn't have to lock the doors of our home when we went away. Those were the days.
Today, I run a successful dance studio business called Broadway Dance Studio on both sides of Sydney Harbour. Every eight weeks, a new crop of curious and committed people looking for fun take lessons spanning the formal dances.
My website - - explains what I teach and the classes we offer, the steps people learn and the fun they have.
I run my classes at the Bradford Community Centre in Kirribilli next to the Sydney Harbour Bridge and at St. Georges Church at the Five Ways in Paddington. It's wonderful to see people interested in learning to dance. It's fun teaching them.
If you want to make an inquiry (class availability, etc.) feel free to send me a message here on Being Australian or call the telephone number given on the Broadway Dance Studio website. Just remember that places are limited as we only teach a handful of students at each class at any one time.
So, come on down and let's get you dancing because dancing is the most fun and best exercise in the world.

Gillian Jennings from near Bencubbin, WA
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Stories submitted by Gillian Jennings

Farm fresh eggs - scrambled by bike, Kangaroo shooting in Western Australia, Being social in the bush

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