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Almost every day, we see things, do things, hear things or say things that somehow feel 'Australian'.  Share your experiences. Browse current stories for ideas. Leave your mark for future generations.

Opera house bush style - 'Add a caption'posted by Chad

Opera house bush style
posted on 25/05/2016 - about aussie icons
Althought just a net designed to catch yabbies, shrimp etc. It is fondly nicknamed an 'OPERA HOUSE NET'...
thanks to Chad from New zealand lol

Aussie steel - 'Add a caption'posted by Chad

Aussie steel
posted on 25/04/2016 - about cars
They dont make em like they used to.. unfortunately they wont make em ever soon :(...
thanks to Chad from New zealand lol

ozzieposted by vikki007

posted on 26/05/2014 - about travel
We went on a 3 day trip from Sydney to WA on $39 tickets each way. We went to the Pinnacles and we drove past the HUGE road trains and ...
thanks to vikki007

Waiting for the train from Jincumbilly - 'Jincumbilly railway station on the old Bombala railway line in NSW'posted by Harry

Waiting for the train from Jincumbilly
posted on 07/02/2013 - about travel
A fascinating little railway station on the old Bombala Railway line. Apparently the station opened in 1921 and closed in 1975....
thanks to Harry

Camping on the Delegate - 'Bridge over the Delegate River (NSW side of the border)'posted by Harry

Camping on the Delegate
posted on 07/02/2013 - about travel
On the way from Bombala to Orbost, the family decided to stop overnight under the gumtrees at the Delegate River. There's a really cha...
thanks to Harry

No, not an Australian garden ! - 'A signing showing the layout of Cowra's former prisoner of war camp.'posted by Julie

No, not an Australian garden !
posted on 26/09/2012
At Cowra there's the most beautiful garden - A Japanese garden - all 12 acres of it - you could be in Japan ! And this time of the yea...
thanks to Julie

no pictues available

posted on 23/02/2012
we have sea horse shells on our beach. I am six....
thanks to Sylvie

no pictues available

posted on 15/11/2011
40 years ago the Mid Western Highway in NSW by- passed this lovely little town - and it's little, just 250 people - and so Carcoar had...
thanks to Doodie

Cyclone Supplies - 'Queuing for free alcohol - South Hedland, WA after Cyclone George'posted by KellyJayne

Cyclone Supplies
posted on 11/03/2011 - about country and coast
Cyclone George really hit Port Hedland hard. But when word got out that the South Hedland Liquor store was giving out free alcohol eve...
thanks to KellyJayne

Night fall - 'Calm before the storm - Port Hedland, WA just before Cyclone Jacob crosses the coast on 12 March 2007'posted by KellyJayne

Night fall
posted on 11/03/2011 - about country and coast
A friend of mine took this. Port Hedland, I believe it was just before Cyclone Jacob....
thanks to KellyJayne

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Australia’s familiar past
posted on 09/02/2011 - about everyday life
Magic happens in old books. The thoughts and observations of writers long deceased come alive at the turn of yellowed pages. Decipherin...
thanks to Oliver Marc Hartwich

The Gundagai dog on his tuckerbox - 'The famous dog on his tuckerbox at Gundagai'posted by Jasie

The Gundagai dog on his tuckerbox
posted on 23/01/2011 - about aussie icons
On the way from Sydney to Melbourne, we stopped by the old dog on the tucker box at Gundagai. Of course, the highway goes around the t...
thanks to Jasie

Aussie coat of arms - 'Humble hand dryer in Benalla, Victoria'posted by Jasie

Aussie coat of arms
posted on 23/01/2011 - about city and town
Love your website. Was passing through Benalla and stopped in at the local Gents at the Council chambers when I noticed the logo on th...
thanks to Jasie

no pictues available

The floods
posted on 21/01/2011
This isn't a story, it's just my comment: I think the wonderful community spirit that we've seen in Queensland and now Victoria, shows...
thanks to Ann

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Aussie beaches
posted on 21/01/2011
We are so lucky with our great beaches. It's only when you see what other countries call 'beaches' that you realise just how lovely o...
thanks to Doodie

Volunteer - 'Tourist information in Kimba, SA, (pop.1211), a grain-belt town and home of the Big Galah 'posted by Kaggles

posted on 04/11/2010 - about lifestyle
I am 39 years old and am proud to volunteer my time to different organisations. If it was not for us volunteers this great country of o...
thanks to Kaggles

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A touching moment
posted on 15/08/2010 - about everyday life
A few weeks ago, we had an assembly in our school. At the start of the assembly, everyone stood up and sang the National Anthem solemnl...
thanks to Xue

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Honesty and crocodiles in Port Douglas
posted on 26/07/2010 - about holidays
I've been in Port Douglas - the locals call it The Port - and did all the touristy things and there are lots of them. Out on the reef ...
thanks to gwen

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Riding on the bus
posted on 25/07/2010 - about travel
When I recently came to Melbourne from New Zealand to study at U Melb, I had to get around on public transport. I was delighted to hear...
thanks to Derek Patton from New Zealand & more

The Eureka Playground - 'Add a caption'posted by Lana Zgoznik

The Eureka Playground
posted on 15/07/2010 - about city and town
I loved the imaginative use of the Eureka Rebellion themes in this playground next to the Eureka Centre in Ballarat. A wonderful opport...
thanks to Lana Zgoznik from Melbourne

Eureka!posted by Lana Zgoznik

posted on 15/07/2010 - about city and town
As I drove into Ballarat, I suddenly came across these unpretentious signs - the street and suburb of Eureka - I had to stop the car, p...
thanks to Lana Zgoznik from Melbourne

Musk lorikeets, eagles, galahs and eucalypts...posted by Lana Zgoznik

Musk lorikeets, eagles, galahs and eucalypts...
posted on 15/07/2010 - about everyday life
I came across this little book a few years ago and was touched by the use of Australian themes in these prayers. There are many prayers...
thanks to Lana Zgoznik from Melbourne

YAAMAposted by Lana Zgoznik

posted on 14/07/2010 - about everyday life
It was fun to discover this buggy with an Aboriginal word for 'WELCOME'. Then, I found myself asking questions... Why is it that if...
thanks to Lana Zgoznik from Melbourne

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Migration lessons from the soccer pitch*
posted on 05/07/2010 - about sports
After Germany had convincingly demolished the Socceroos at the World Cup, I was not sure what to expect in the office, with me being Ge...
thanks to Oliver Marc Hartwich

A family home in Australia... - 'The Pioneers by Fredrick McCubbin'posted by Lana Zgoznik

A family home in Australia...
posted on 04/07/2010 - about lifestyle
I was delighted when both my children recognized this triptych and started telling me the story! These three prints tell the story of a...
thanks to Lana Zgoznik from Melbourne

We got up at 4am to watch Australia... - 'Add a caption'posted by Lana Zgoznik

We got up at 4am to watch Australia...
posted on 04/07/2010 - about sports
My children proudly advised me they would be getting up at 4am to watch Australia kick off at 4.30am in the FIFA World Cup a week ago. ...
thanks to Lana Zgoznik from Melbourne

The road often travelled - 'my family's '1st generation' Australian's'posted by Andrea Arnaud

The road often travelled
posted on 03/07/2010 - about everyday life
I am one of many Australians who came here as a child migrant. I was 5yrs old and I spoke two languges and English sounded different he...
thanks to Andrea Arnaud from Melbourne

A Commitment to Australia... - 'Add a caption'posted by Lana Zgoznik

A Commitment to Australia...
posted on 02/07/2010 - about city and town
During a visit to Kryal Castle near Ballarat with international visitors, I came across a refreshing room of Australian history. I felt...
thanks to Lana Zgoznik from Melbourne

TOGETHER! - 'Add a caption'posted by Lana Zgoznik

posted on 01/07/2010 - about fashion
When I saw this clothing label in an opp shop I was amazed! What a great label! It states very clearly MADE IN AUSTRALIA. If anyone has...
thanks to Lana Zgoznik from Melbourne

What a cup of tea! - 'Once a Jolly Swagman camped by a billabong...'posted by Lana Zgoznik

What a cup of tea!
posted on 01/07/2010 - about food
When I saw this tea at the supermarket years ago I just had to buy it! I just love the picture of a swagman waiting for his billy to bo...
thanks to Lana Zgoznik from Melbourne

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Puddling about in filth
'A welcoming sight'
posted by Fran

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Puddling about in filth

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