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'Surfing in Victoria means not too many people to cut in on your waves' posted by David Kirkpatrick

'Setting sun is no reason not to head in before the light falls off' posted by David Kirkpatrick

'4.00PM in July - My friend and I are about to hit the waves' posted by David Kirkpatrick

Surfing in Victoria

an experience of sports

Whenever I go surfing, I am amazed at how huge the sky is overhead and how empty the beaches are along the coast road to Lorne in Victoria. Certainly the water has a bit of nip to it -- wetsuits are essential. But the sand, the waves and the lack of crowds. It's fantastic that we can do this almost anywhere along our coastline.

Thanks to
David Kirkpatrick
from Heidelberg
on 17/01/2005 send a message to David Kirkpatrick

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