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'' posted by Collin Trevena

By Train to Adelaide

an experience of travel

I have many memories of travelling this great land of ours, my earliest memory of travel is as a very young boy with my family going to Adelaide via Broken Hill by steam train. Some time after leaving Broken Hill the train stopped and we got off to see why. From horizon to horizon, a long way out there we could see kangaroos.
Millions of them crossing the railway line a short distance in front of the steam locomotive. I found out years later this was not a normal occurance but an anomoly caused by drought.
I have an avid interest in history and am now involved in research of railway history. The picture is of myself and 2 friends Warwick and David at The Zig Zag Railway.

Thanks to
Collin Trevena
from Sydney
on 24/01/2005 send a message to Collin Trevena

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